Weekly wisdom

Weekly wisdom

Weekly wisdom + subscription The three card spread for this week invites us to what lies beyond our current awareness into mystical and wonderous experiences of the Infinite. The Veil-et is the cosmic archetype who is the lifter of the veil. Her aspect is mystery and...

Weekly Wisdom

Weekly Wisdom from The Fifth TarotReading for the Full Moon.The three cards drawn for this luminous full moon bring grand energies into our awareness. The 9 of Feathers reminds us to let go of our ego mind and to focus our thoughts and intentions from a place of...

Kickstarter 3rd print run Live

The Fifth Tarot is an evolutionary deck that combines the ancient esoteric wisdom of tarot with the energetic vibration of this amazing age. It is a tool that offers transformative insight into our multi-dimensional gifts, making it most relevant for today. The Fifth...

An Aude Walkabout in time and space

After our stay in Limoux and having explored not only the longest lasting carnival on the planet but also wandered most streets and pathway into the hillsides, we has a wonderful time in The Netherlands with family. On our way back into France we again opted for a...
Hello from France

Hello from France

Freedom Feeling the depths of the land and voluptuousness of life in this Appelation Origine Contolee, does not in any way feel contrived.Opposite it expands the wings, unfolds the sails and feeds the cool breeze of the winter morning. Sun-dipped Streets The cockles...


We wish to express our gratitude to all who have been supportive to the energies of The Fifth Tarot. From the sale of 1 book come referrals and through those even more enthusiasm for the expansive world we are together creating. In the first year we met so many of you...