Weekly wisdom + subscription
The three card spread for this week invites us to what lies beyond our current awareness into mystical and wonderous experiences of the Infinite.
The Veil-et is the cosmic archetype who is the lifter of the veil. Her aspect is mystery and the action is revealing. By going through the veil of illusion, sacred mysteries are revealed. This theme is evident in the other two cards as well.
In the Apprentice of Lotus we see a crystal skull, another guide who can connect us to ancient lineages of Light and cosmic knowledge. Our crystalline structure and stellar origins are receptors of their cosmic consciousness.
With the Initiate of Shells, we feel the lunar mysteries revealed through the sacred waters of the Mother and received in our heart of hearts. Cycles the of the moon in the movement of the tides resonate in every cell of our being.
These three cards, rich in symbolism await your reflection to reveal the depth that Great Mystery has for you!
#tarot #thefifthtarot #divination #fiveelements#weeklywisdom #liftingtheveil #archetype ##tarotreading #tarfotcards #CosmicOdyssey #oraclecards #lineage
Hello from France
Feeling the depths of the land and voluptuousness of life in this Appelation Origine Contolee, does not in any way feel contrived.
Opposite it expands the wings, unfolds the sails and feeds the cool breeze of the winter morning.

The cockles of the heart are warmed by the smiles and rich cultural sharing that occurs here daily
A market with rich healthy breads made with ancient grains good for all
The Terrace where the locals come for their extended lunch as many mediterranean peoples have before them

Alas the sun soaked colorful streets have their stories to tell and we listen
suddenly filled to brimming with a zest for life, only here understanding the fruits of the sea
The mother nourishing all she may embrace, all willing to take 5 and a breath
A song is played here from her core inspiring community and richness for all,
That, shared is heard and taken to heart, enhancing the palette of all artists

We sit down and have some tapa’s, drenched in the artisanal splendor felt in every bite and pore
An Amber Banyuls or Rivesaltes accompanies our feast of the soul
Impressing upon us the ancient ways and honoring the gift of what came before
We, like the dragonfly before trapped in amber, free ourselves of all meanderings
Truly setting sail on the journey of a thousand and one days and nights
We wish to express our gratitude to all who have been supportive to the energies of The Fifth Tarot. From the sale of 1 book come referrals and through those even more enthusiasm for the expansive world we are together creating. In the first year we met so many of you during our whirlwind tour crossing 29 states and 4 Counties. Within each we visited many meetup groups, stayed with and connected with so many friendly people.
That year gave us hope for a bright future and that has since grown into evolving tapestry of light and inspiration. This last month we had orders from Europe, mainly France and have since posted the video that brought that attention. We thank it’s creator Antoinette
We look forward to share and visit new places to create pathways of consciousness and beauty
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